Thursday, November 20, 2014

Work Cited

"Jacksonville Zoo and Gardens." Jacksonville Zoo. N.p., 2009. Web. 19 Nov. 2014. <>.

"Green and Black Poison Dart Frog." Green and Black Poison Dart Frog. N.p., 2011. Web. 19 Nov. 2014. <>.

"Reproduction." Red-Backed Poison Dart Frog. Weebly, 2011. Web. 19 Nov. 2014. <>.

"Investigation." Poison Dart Frogs. N.p., n.d. Web. 20 Nov. 2014. <>.

Daly, John W., Charles W. Myers, and Noel Whittaker. "Further classification of skin alkaloids from neotropical poison frogs (Dendrobatidae), with a general survey of toxic/noxious substances in the amphibia." Toxicon 25.10 (1987): 1023-1095.

All Pictures are from: GOOGLE.COM

*They are playing Leap Frog =)

Cells inside of the testes of Poison Dart frogs

Connective cells- These cells help with movement and keeping muscles nerves and other organs in the body together.

  • Connective cells are on the Peirtonuem membrane and it goes through the the body and secrets the muscle, nerves, and testes.
  • The cells help the frog move because the cells help with movement in all aspects of the body
  • The cells pertain to the testes because they help the sperm move smoothly through the sperm canal and helps the sperm come out good.
* These cells move throughout the whole body and are allowed to move through all of the cell walls to help the joints and organs stay connected and be moisturized.

*These cells are immune to the poison within the body of the frogs. cells are also web like.

Tissue of Poison Dart Frog

Peritoneum: Spiderweb like membrane that covers organs

  • The Peritoneum membrane allows thing so pass through the organs like the testes.
  • The Peritoneum helps the testes lay inside of the frog, right underneath the kidneys.
  • The Peritoneum is web shaped because it helps the organs and body of the frog keep intact when it swims or is underwater.
Their are connective cells inside of the Peritoneum.
Mesothelial cells are in the membrane of the Peritoneum too.

* Fun fact: The Peritoneum is very important because it helps protect the testes from the poisonous substance that secrets the whole frog for its protection.

Wednesday, November 19, 2014

Testicles in Poison dart frogs'

* The poison dart frog is one of the smallest frogs, but its testes can hold up to hundreds of sperm!

  • The testes are located in the male of a Poison dart frog's. These create sperm that will later be used to fertilize  the female eggs. Until then, the sperms stays in the testes til the frog is ready to release them or he is stimulated.

  • peritoneal membrane his a tissue that covers up the organs inside of the frog. It is a slimy substance that protects the heart, but most of all it protest and lays across the teste wall.
* testes are located above the kidneys, but only in male frogs.

male poison dart frogs reproductive system!

The male reproductive system in a poison dart frog is similar to the human male except for the fact that it has three major organs which the sperm has to go through to get out of the frog.

  • Testes
  • Urine duct
  • The cloaca 
Like humans the testes is where the sperm is produced, unlike the human the frog has a urine duct which works like the urethra which allows sperm and urine to be carried out. The sperm goes into the frogs cloaca, the cloaca is an interesting organ that many creatures use, its where the animal holds all liquids/waste and releases it through the one hole.

*This dart frog goes through this system when it is stimulated by a female that rubs its snout and back with her forelegs, signaling to the male that see is ready to receive the sperm from the male. 

Tuesday, November 18, 2014

Basic information about poison dart frog

  • Amphibian
Most adults  poison dart frog's can get up to .59 inches in height, 2.4 inches in length, and weigh up to .07 ounces, they are very small but deadly.

These specific type of frogs live on the Pacific Coast of Central and south America from Nicaragua and Costa Rica to Brazil and Bolivia, they reside in Humid and tropical areas. 

They have very poisonous skin which makes them non edible, this means these frogs  do not have predators. They do ,however, In the wild, Green and Black Poison Dart Frogs, eat small invertebrates, such as spiders and small insects.

Green and Black poison dart frogs are not endangered, in fact, they were brought into Hawaii  in 1932 to decrease the population of insects that were growing quite rapidly.

*Fun Fact: Green and black poison dart frog's color is so bright for the simple fact to worn the predators that they will die if they eat them.

The poison dart frog

  • Jasmine Cotton
  • Zoology
  • Period 7
* means fun or interesting fact
  • The dart frog's which come in many different colors scientifically known as the Dendrobates auratus!
* Most poisonous frog in the world!